Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Here I Go

Here I Go

It's been a good while since I've had the opportunity to post here. The last several weeks have been a veritable roller coaster with all the ups and downs. A lot of highs a merciful amount of lows.

The biggest news of the lot would be that as of last Friday at 2PM, my employment in the textile manufacturing industry officially ended. I now have no other source of income other than my camera.

Now other than my continued full time employment, there's the multitude of things that kept me from posting here as I would have liked. Of the many things finished and started over the past few weeks, this is but a quick breakdown:

  • Business Plan Complete
  • Several Meetings with a Business Advisor
  • Several Wonderful Photoshoots
  • Marketing Plan Complete
  • Press Release Complete
  • Several Events and Fairs Scheduled
  • Found a Studio Space
  • Lost Said Studio Space
  • Finished Full-Time Employment (Did I mention that yet?)
Now I plan to touch on a lot of these topics in future posts, as this is still a blog about my endeavour to make a career out of my photography, but for now, I will just leave you with a couple recent images whilst I begin to plan what is next to come.