Frolicking About and Playing Around
Earlier, I tweeted: "I want to fall in love with my camera again . . ." Well, I was kind of serious. Through everything that goes into starting up and running a photography business, it's quite well documented that the actually taking of photographs isn't the largest time consumer.
It was time to play. In fact, it was long over due.
Enter my grandmother-in-laws garden; add a dash of exquisite late afternoon light and a sprinkle of shallow depth of field and I just spent half an hour playing around.
None of the results are perfect and a lot of the post-processing is clearly even more playing around, but it was fun and even though all the fashion and beauty and stuff is tremendous fun that has no equal, this sort of fun is totally stress free (especially when were talking about someone who's whole system shuts down around other people!)
So, without further ado, here's the results of an afternoon just mucking about with the light tight box and its requisite hole in the front.
Fantastic as usual, love you honey! <3